In quality engineering, S/N ratio is important index for functional evaluation.
Traditional S/N ratio η=10log((Sβ-Ve)/VN)
Issues of traditional S/N ratio:
*It is impossible to compare with different repetition number.
*If you increase repetition size, S/N ratio also increased. It means S/N ratio value is changed by repetition number or signal size.
*(Sβ-Ve) shows negative number sometimes. And impossible to calculate logarithmic S/N.
These issues come from DF (Degree of Freedom).
KQERG proposed new S/N ratio for solving issue of traditional S/N ratio formula.
New S/N ratio formula is very simple to understand.
After decomposition of sum of square, you define active element and harmful element by customer requirement.
Active/Harmful=SS_active / SS_harmful
S/N ratio ηE =10log(SS_active/SS_harmful) (db)
Dyanamic character S/N ratio
SS_active: Sβ
SS_harmful: SNxβ, Se
New ηE=10log(Sβ/(St-Sβ))
Traditional η=10log((Sβ-Ve)/VN)
Static character S/N ratio
SS_active: Sm
SS_harmful: SNxm, Se
nominal-is-best response
New ηE=10log(Sm/(St-Sm))
Traditional η=10log((Sm-Ve)/Ve)
smaller-is-better response ηE=10log(n/St)
larger-is-better response ηE=10log(St/n)
zero-is-best response ηE=10log(n/(St-Sm))
In US, Traditional S/N ratio η=10log(m^2/σ^2)
m: Mean σ:Standard deviation (Se/n)